Support Guides

Risks and Significance 

2 minutesread

Freshwater farm plan risks are activities or vulnerabilities in your farm that could ‘risk’ contaminating the fresh water on your farm. These risks include farming practices or the topology of your land. 

Review Generated Risks: 

  • Examine the list of generated risks based on the information provided for your farming activities and land units. 

Identify Relevance: 

  • Determine the relevance of each risk to your specific land units and farming practices. 
  • If a risk is not applicable to a particular land unit, consider removing it from that unit’s assessment.  

Rate Significance: 

  • Assign a significance rating to each identified risk for each land unit: low, medium, or high. 
  • This is done by selecting which level the risk relates to. E.g. Selecting Med for Medium risk or High for High Risk. 
  • Evaluate the potential impact and likelihood of each risk on a particular land unit. 

Remove Irrelevant Risks: 

  • If a risk is not relevant to your entire farm, consider removing it from the assessment for the entire farm. 
  • This can be done by selecting the red Not Relevant Remove risk button. Alternatively, you can remove risks form individual land units by selecting remove in the table 
  • Provide a clear explanation if removing a risk and hit Save to record the changes. 

Document Explanations: 

  • If you choose to remove a risk, document the reason for its exclusion in the explanation section. 
  • Clearly articulate why a specific risk is not applicable to your farming operations. 

Repeat for Each Land Unit: 

  • Go through the above steps for each land unit, customizing the assessment based on the specific characteristics of each unit. 

Final Review: 

  • Double-check your risk assessments for consistency and accuracy. 
  • Ensure that all relevant risks are appropriately rated for each land unit. 


  • Hit the Save button after completing the risk assessment for each land unit.