Support Guides

Importing Maps from Council Websites

2 minutesread

Southland Maps Link


Otago Maps Link


Waikato Maps Link


Hawkes Bay Maps Link


Greater Wellington Maps Link (Only Wellington City)


Horizons Map Link


To export maps from any of these Regional councils, click the property area you wish to export a boundary of and then click the 3 dots of the right-hand sidebar.
This should open the export options, form here click “Export to KMZ”

Once you have the KMZ file downloaded, open it with Google Earth Pro (free software).
Right-click each map item; if the map item has the option “Split part Multi Geometry”
then you will need to click this.

Once you have done this for all map items, right-click the folder that holds the map item(s) and select “Save place as..”

From here change the “Save as type:” to Kml and then click “Save”

This file should now be able to be imported into the QCONZ FWFP tool!